As I sit here it is April 3rd and we leave for costa rica in two days. Really? How did that happen, was it not just my birthday? For that matter, was it not just new years? I truly have no idea where the time goes. Every month seems to go fast than the last. It is truly unbelievable to me how fast the time goes. (even though there are days that seem to never end)
So in an attempt at catching up to date with the pictures and the fun we've been having and to get some laundry done so that i can start the packing madness, I'm going to do a bunch of randoms today.
Olivia has been so much fun lately. Totally entertaining, i think people just come over so she can make them laugh. She lights up in front of a crowd, and loves to put on a show. She adores all of her aunties and uncles, and most importantly her Mimi and Mommom. Little girl is showered with love and i cant think of much that makes me happier to see.
We successfully saw the Hop aka the Easter Bunny! She was so excited to go there and when we got there got a little timid but she worked up the courage so I could get an awesome pic. And after, it was all she talked about for days. She told anyone that would listen that the hop had a bow tie, a pink nose, big ears, she gave him a high five, and said cheese. Of course, she wasn't as eloquent with her words but she always got her point across. She loved it so much we went with friends for their pictures so she could sit on his lap again. And she wouldn't get within two feet of him. Can someone say fickle?

Olivia had her first bike ride this past month, and it didn't quite go as expected. I swore she would love it. Chris got it all ready and daddy and livvy both put their helmets on and we bulked the little girl in. And she was all smiles. That is until they pulled out of the driveway, and then it was all dramatic sobs of MOMMY! MOMMY! So back they came, and Chris and I switched spots. Yep, I got my butt on a bike for the first time in god knows how long. I made it home safely (though i'm not sure how) and she seemed to enjoy it a little. So we will be trying again, for a family ride.
Chris' birthday was March 23rd. He is not someone who likes a lot of fanfare for his big day. So what did his wonderful wife do to celebrate. Found his car at work and did a little covert operation. I love this!
Remember how I started out this post by saying how enjoyable Olivia has been lately? Well just to remind me that its not all roses around here, she just sat on her potty because she had to "poop" and then proceeded to stand up next to her potty and pee. All over the floor. We've been doing this big girl potty thing for months now, she knows where she's supposed to go. Then after I cleaned it up, she says "treat please". She gets a reward when she goes on the potty. When I reminded her that treats are only when you go on the potty, a 10 minute screaming tantrum ensued. So really its mostly wonderful around here, with some not so happy moments mixed in. But that's life, right?
And to sum up the month, here is my project 365 for March.
And the randomness of these posts, is how my brain works on the regular. So you just got a glimpse of not only our March, but also what goes on in my brain.
Hope you enjoyed!